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Intelligent Designs
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Founded by: Erik Möller
Status: Dead
Language: English
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: No license
Main topic: Ideas
Wiki size: 29 article pages see stats

(As of: 2007-10-08 -

The purpose of this Intelligent Designs wiki is to collect ideas, to make them openly editable, and to organize activities.

Sadly, this wiki went offline sometime late 2015, some of its pages have been archived by the Internet Archive WaybackMachine at

Mission Statement

The Intelligent Designs wiki is a place to publish and edit ideas and essays on a wide variety of topics. All of these ideas should have practical value; that is, purely metaphysical or philosophical ideas are of less relevance here. Exceptions to this rule can be made from time to time.

The wiki can also be used to catalog "idea patterns" already appearing in the real world, for the purpose of applying them in more contexts. See Hover and Switch for an example. These patterns should be as generic as possible, and refer to specific implementations. Finally, the wiki can be a platform to organize activities such as meetings and chats around certain topics (e.g. DTECHCON).

If you've ever felt you need a place to write down all the ideas that are in your head and that you may never actually find time to implement, this is it. If you have a great idea and you seek feedback, this is the place. If you want to meet others who share a certain vision, you might just find them here. Our goal is to document ideas (which can have value in defeating future patents, but can also inspire inventors), and to bring people together to work on them.

The wiki is accompanied by a blog currently written only by site founder Erik Möller. It is possible that active authors on the wiki, if any, will be invited to join the blog as guest or regular writers. The purpose of the blog is to highlight particularly interesting content on the wiki, and to refer to outside websites which may not have immediate relevance here.